For many men, potency is disturbed, how to raise it at home - this question worries males, because the situation is quite delicate and not everyone decides to visit a specialist. And completely in vain. Only a narrow specialist can quickly solve the problem and prescribe adequate treatment for any pathology.
Proper nutrition is the key to health
Self-medication with folk remedies and medicines very often leads to negative consequences and complications. Therefore, you should consult a doctor and find out the true cause of the violation of potency. Treatment of potency with folk remedies involves taking decoctions and tinctures. Some patients require psychological help, because in many cases potency is impaired against the background of experienced stress, depressive conditions present.
To understand how to improve potency, you should know that you need to include the following aphrodisiacs in your diet:
- seafood;
- parsley;
- turnip.

But this does not mean that you need to eat only the listed foods. To raise and increase potency, your diet should be diversified as much as possible and saturated with food rich in vitamins and minerals. Some foods contain allergens, such as fish. Therefore, before drawing up a diet to increase potency, consultation with a doctor is strictly required.
How to increase potency at home using seafood? The best products for increasing potency are oysters and flounder. They contain a fairly large amount of zinc, rare amino acids. It is these elements that activate the production of testosterone (male sex hormone) and increase sperm volume.
The most suitable for enhancing potency are mollusks caught in the spring, since during this period they actively reproduce and the level of zinc, amino acids rise significantly in the body of oysters. It is advisable to eat raw oysters, because during heat treatment, a significant part of the nutrients simply disappears.
You can quickly increase potency by a date by taking a warm bath. The water should be warm, take a bath for 40-50 minutes.
Flounder is also able to raise potency, it is not only tasty fish, but also useful, especially for men. It contains vitamins of groups A, B, E, multiple amino acids, trace elements, zinc.
Mackerel will help improve potency. It contains omega fatty acids involved in the biosynthetic processes of testosterone. In addition, a large amount of protein, iodine, phosphorus has a beneficial effect on potency and sperm production. By the way, to enhance potency, you should use mackerel only boiled or baked.
Parsley is rich in essential oils, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, vitamins A, B, PP, K, E. One of the important substances contained in parsley is apigenin. This antioxidant helps to suppress the production of female hormone, therefore, it will help to quickly and effectively raise potency. If you eat parsley every day, then a man will notice an improvement in a week.
Raise the potency with turnips. It is saturated with a large amount of vitamins, microelements, which not only help to solve the male problem, but also have general strengthening properties. Promotes the production of testosterone in the vegetable. An increase in potency for a man will be provided in 2-3 days.
Special exercises
How to increase potency at home with exercise? Gymnastics should be performed to train the pubococcygeal muscle, which controls the erection process. Everyday training will help to make the muscle strong, thanks to this, the blood circulation of the male organ will increase. It is better to combine training with treatment with folk remedies and medicines, which is prescribed by a doctor.
The set of exercises is quite simple, it is advisable to perform it 2-3 times a day for 5 weeks. These trainings are also performed as a preventive way to prevent potency disorders:
- rotation of the hip joint 12 times clockwise, 12 times counterclockwise;
- in a standing position, raise the knee joint high, as close to the abdomen as possible, perform 15 times;
- in a standing position, bend your knees, slightly sitting down, while tensing the gluteal muscles, do 15 times;
- in the supine position, with bent knees, raise and lower the hip joint, perform 20-25 times;
- the well-known exercise "bicycle", perform for 1-1. 5 minutes;
- tension of the pubic-coccygeal muscle for 2 minutes, the stronger the tension, the better the muscle is trained.

Alternative medicine recipes
You can raise the potency with folk remedies and recipes, but in this case, consultation with a specialist will not hurt.
Folk remedy - boiled grated turnip. The vegetable is mixed with chopped carrots in a 2: 1 ratio, respectively. 1 tbsp is added. l. honey. Take 2 tsp. in the morning and in the evening. Potency recovers quickly. You can apply the product 10 hours before the date.

An increase in potency will occur if you prepare the following composition: 5 cloves of garlic are crushed, 1 liter is poured. water, the mixture is infused for 1 week, 50 ml is taken every day 3 times in knocks. The composition affects the circulatory system, cleans blood vessels, prevents the development of blood clots. It improves blood circulation throughout the body, including the genitals.
How to increase potency with nuts? Folk remedy - chopped walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, 1 tbsp. l. pour 100 ml of honey. Eat on an empty stomach every morning. The composition helps to improve the synthesis of testosterone and saturates the male body with nutrients. Use the product with caution for those who may have allergic manifestations to the components.
How to increase potency with ginseng tincture? You can buy it at any pharmacy kiosk. It is taken 20 drops before meals 4 times a day. Do not take immediately before bed as sleep may be disturbed. Be sure to read the instructions before use and study the contraindications. This remedy helps to increase testosterone synthesis and enhance male potency.
Increased potency against the background of taking nettle tincture. It is also sold in pharmacies. At home, it can be done quite simply: 200 g of grass per 450 ml, leave for 3 days, take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.
How to improve potency with a decoction of thyme? This remedy is one of the most useful and effective for the male sex in violation of potency, due to the high content of zinc. For its preparation 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs are poured into 0. 5 liters. water and boil for 10 minutes, after cooling and take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.
Folk remedy - a mixture of rhizomes of marsh calamus, crushed (100 g), filled with 300 ml of alcohol. Infused for 5 days. Take 25 ml 3 times a day. It is possible to increase potency with this remedy after 3-4 days.
You can also increase potency with such folk remedies as ginger, parsnips, leeches.
Medicinal and homeopathic medicines
How to prolong potency with drugs?
Medicines are taken only after a doctor's recommendation, because many of them affect the heart muscle, causing pathological disorders and cardiovascular diseases.
A homeopathic remedy for increasing potency should also be prescribed only by a specialist in order to avoid complications or negative effects on the body.
What can harm
How to raise potency - this question is asked not only by older men, but also by many young people. To understand why disorders occur in the male body, you should know what destroys potency. Therefore, to increase potency at home, you should study the most vicious enemies for the male body. To be confident in his health, a man should follow simple rules - do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol and do not take drugs. Be wary of medications.
Alcohol is the first enemy for men. This is the main factor that affects potency. The negative effect is explained by the fact that serious disorders occur in the liver, which is responsible for the process of detoxification and synthesis of bioactive components. As a result, there is a decrease in the synthesis of male sex hormones, which leads to pathology. Therefore, first of all, in order to increase and strengthen potency, you need to stop taking alcoholic beverages.
Smoking harms not only potency, but also disrupts the work of all body systems. By narrowing the blood vessels, nicotine completely disrupts blood circulation. The vessels become brittle and fragile, which causes a disease such as atherosclerosis. Developing in the vessels of the penis, the disease provokes a loss of potency and impotence.
The cause of erectile dysfunction is the use of narcotic drugs. Potency decreases against the background of the strongest stress that occurs during the withdrawal period. Injection drugs contribute to the development of pathologies such as toxic polyneuropathy. In this case, the innervation of the male organ is disrupted.
While taking many medications, potency may decrease. But this condition does not need to be treated. All processes will be restored after the drug is canceled. Basically, these are non-selective adrenergic blockers prescribed to lower blood pressure and pathologies associated with heart rhythm disturbances. If, while taking such drugs, potency has decreased, you should consult a doctor so that he prescribes an analogue. Antipsychotics and sedatives, tranquilizers almost always cause a decrease in potency. Before taking medication, be sure to read the instructions and study the side effects.